Symfony framework. Introduction (Lesson 1. Familiarization)

Symfony - a web development tool, framework, application skeleton written in php 5. It supports multiple databases: MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, etc. Features of Symfony 2.*:

  1. MVC (you can read about it here);
  2. Use of multiple third-party libraries. The management of them is quite convenient with Composer;
  3. Class caching;
  4. Debug, test, and production build of classes;
  5. Everything is a bundle =) Any web application in Symfony is created in the form of a bundle. Even the functionality of the core itself Symfony is this bundle. Bundle is something like a plugin, but a little bit broader. It is a set of files (which can be completely different, such as *.php, *.js, *.html, *.css, etc.) that implement a single task).
  6. Compatibility with Composer;
  7. Multiple php scripts for command-line project management;
  8. Routing - manual system for mapping addresses (requests) to controllers (in a nutshell). In some other frameworks (e.g. yii), such things are done automatically based on the file structure. But this makes Symfony more flexible;
  9. Bootstrap - a single entry point to the application.
You can also read about yii as a simpler alternative for beginner learning here.