Sequence Master Game

Sequence Master Game - a game to test reaction speed. Click on the largest number among the available ones (you can choose multiple numbers at each step) and share your high score with friends.

Key features/gameplay:

1) There are 7 levels available

2) Within the given time, you must click the numbers from largest to smallest.

3) Points are awarded for each selection. The number of points depends on the player's selection speed and the value of the selected number. In case of a mistake, the game does not end, but a penalty is applied.

4) The game ends if you fail to select the correct number within the allocated time. After the game ends, you have the option to share your results.

5) Responsiveness (should work on smartphones), animation, and other bells and whistles =).

You can play by following this link:

Symfony Blog Bundle

HarentiusBlogBundle - bundle for a blog/simple portal (or complex, if using bundle inheritance and extension). View of this site.

As a backend, SonataAdminBundle is used. Implemented:

1. Admin panel (WYSIWYG, ckeditor), image/audio uploading, player.

2. Tags, categories, archives, tag cloud

3. Statistics

4. RSS-feed (requires modification)

5. "Smart" caching of everything, content is served very fast

To "ease the soul":

1. Tests

Symfony Widgets Bundle

Widgets Bundle - a bundle for easy widgets management. (Supports only widgets which require only client-side code for displaying). Includes both client side (for displaying) and admin side (adds admin classes and has a SonataAdminBundle dependency) functionality.

Can be used (for example) for adding counters, banners, advertising network codes (google adsense, etc).

Was created during this blog has been developing.