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How games (or any pet projects) should never be developed

This story is about wasting time and life. It is about Attraction Wars.

Attraction Wars is an online browser game I developed in my free from job time.

I am surrounded with "success stories". But very few new projects (or startups if you want) succeed. According to the different sources, it is less than 10%, I more believe sources which say that it is even less than 1%.

Of course, it dramatically depends on which stage startup was accounted for this statistics... But this story is not about it. I just feel that I should write "story of NOT success", just to dilute all that success stories with other fairy tale.

Honestly I think that history of Attraction Wars development is an example of how games (or any pet projects) should never be developed.

However it teached me a lot, including technologies and outlook, so I hope this experience will be useful for someone. Or only for me as reminder.

But if you are interested of this deep dive to cave, then please go ahead.