Cypress tests organizing (or any e2e/ui tests)

Nowadays cypress is quite a hype technology (I am saying this in Fall 2020, everyone knows how rapidly js world can change ;))

"Cypress is a next generation front end testing tool built for the modern web."

I had some experience with Behat and other types of tests like unit/integarational, but today I will tell you about e2e.

When I wrote Behat tests I didn't think a lot about how to structure my test cases in a maintainable way. This led me to the antipattern called "Single-Layer Architecture"[1].

Extending such tests quickly becomes a mess and tends to become an ineffective work:

  1. You can't focus on business logic, you always need to remember low-level details to introduce a new step definition
  2. Your low-level solutions are often duplicated, and you even don't notice that
  3. Changing testing framework means rewriting or updating all step definitions!

Fortunately there is an approach which is very easy to follow and which mitigates mentioned issues.