Creating and Handling Forms in Vue with Data Transformers

Vue.js, a popular progressive JavaScript framework, offers an intuitive way of building user interfaces. One of the common tasks in web development is handling forms. This article will guide you through creating and handling forms in Vue and demonstrate the advantage of using data transformers.

Why Use Data Transformers?

Imagine a situation where the data format required by the API doesn't align with the format in which the form data is maintained internally in the Vue component. This can lead to potential bugs and issues.

Data transformers come in handy in these situations. They act as an intermediary, converting or transforming the data from the form’s internal state to the state needed by the API (and vice versa). This ensures a clear separation of concerns, making the code maintainable and readable.

Basic Form Creation in Vue

Let's start with creating a basic form in Vue:

  <form @submit.prevent="handleSubmit">
    <input v-model="" placeholder="Name">
    <input v-model="form.age" placeholder="Age">
    <button type="submit">Submit</button>

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      form: {
        name: '',
        age: ''
  methods: {
    handleSubmit() {

Introducing Data Transformers

Let's say our API expects the data in a slightly different format, with the age field being a string prefixed with "Age: ". We can create a data transformer to manage this conversion.

Here's a simple implementation of a data transformer:

const formDataTransformer = {
  toAPI(data) {
    return {
      age: `Age: ${data.age}`
  fromAPI(data) {
    return {
      age: data.age.replace('Age: ', '')


  • toAPI(data): Transforms the form data to the format expected by the API.
  • fromAPI(data): Transforms the data from the API to the format expected by the form.

Using the Data Transformer in our Vue Component

With our transformer in place, let’s use it in our Vue component:

  <!-- ... same form template as above ... -->

const formDataTransformer = {
  toAPI(data) {
    return {
      age: `Age: ${data.age}`
  fromAPI(data) {
    return {
      age: data.age.replace('Age: ', '')

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      form: {
        name: '',
        age: ''
  methods: {
    handleSubmit() {
      const apiData = formDataTransformer.toAPI(this.form);
      // Now, we can send `apiData` to our API.


  1. Clarity and Maintainability: By isolating the transformation logic, it becomes easier to handle changes in either the form or the API data format without affecting other parts of the application.
  2. Reusability: Data transformers can be reused across different components or projects, offering a standardized way of dealing with data conversions.
  3. Testability: It’s much easier to write unit tests for these transformers, ensuring the correctness of data conversions.


By utilizing data transformers in Vue, developers can efficiently bridge the gap between the internal form state and the expected API data format. This practice promotes clean code principles, making applications more maintainable and robust.