How to find the line on which execution was interrupted in PHP

When working with old code, it is sometimes very difficult to find the place where execution was interrupted. Constructions like die, exit, etc. are very bad practice, but there is a lot of legacy code (and not only - I'm not saying anything bad about Wordpress, so I'll keep quiet) that abuse them. One of the biggest problems with such constructions is that they are difficult to find and debug. (Use exceptions!)

But when the task is to find the place where code execution is interrupted, you can use the following snippet:

Refreshing Nested Set Tree Indexes in Symfony


Once I used Nestedset behavior for Doctrine, Symfony in a project, and faced issue with broken indexes. (You can read how Nested Set works here). This happened because low-level MySQL query executed during migration, and because of this Doctrine events responsible for refreshing indexes was not executed. To fix that a Symfony Command was written, which refreshes indexes. This is just example. Better way is to move this code to the service and add one more migration which will refresh indexes. Here is just simple example how this issue can be solved.

Argument of the command is an entity to refresh.

Uploading files in Symfony

Uploading files in Symfony is conceptually no different from other PHP platforms, but still has its own features due to the presence of additional tools provided by the framework.

First of all, it is worth noting that there are ready-made solutions that solve the task at hand. I strongly recommend familiarizing yourself with them, and only after that, if you decide that they do not suit you, implement your own solution.

In this note we will try to show possible ways to solve the task, using both ready-made solutions (VichUploaderBundle, IphpFileStoreBundle), and using our own implementation (in Symfony controllers and admin classes from the SonataAdminBundle).