Fixtures. AliceBundle

In the previous article, we learned about fixtures in the Symfony framework, as well as the DoctrineFixturesBundle. Let's take a look at another useful bundle for working with fixtures - AliceBundle (a wrapper around the alice component).

Fixtures. DoctrineFixturesBundle

Fixtures (Eng. fixtures) - a very useful development tool. Essentially, it is just a set of test data used in dev mode. They are typically not used in prod mode (for production, Data Migrations are usually used).

There are several convenient bundles for working with fixtures in Symfony. The first one is the basic DoctrineFixturesBundle, which is dedicated to this article.

Roger Penrose - The New Mind of the King

This book became a kind of discovery for me. But first, a little bit of "poetry". =)

It just so happened that I love complex reading material. However, one should be very careful in this regard, as "complex reading material" can be at the level of Coelho (may all his fans forgive me, but it is difficult (for me) to find another bright example), or it can be something that truly changes you, for the better, towards less entropy (this was said under the impression of the book by Penrose). So what is the difference?

Sleep in Qt

Somehow got very distracted from Qt. And then the other day had to come back =) Spent a long time remembering how I used to implement delays, or sleep in Qt (yes, yes, yes, it's bad, etc., but sometimes you really need it, especially if you need to turn in a lab to make others stop bothering you.)

Example of a trivial implementation:


When creating a bundle, it is useful to configure it, which will be used as a library (and not only).

Of course, you can put everything in parameters, thus avoiding configuration, but that would not be kosher. =)

Proper practice is to describe the configuration in config.yml, and to extract some necessary parameters into parameters.yml: