Routing in the Symfony framework (Lesson 6: Routing)

After learning how to create controllers (here), it is important to understand how a user can invoke a controller and how to work with it.

The Symfony framework has a special feature called routing system. In yii framework , for example, routing is determined by the file structure of the application by default (although you can still use a routing system with the necessary tools). However, in Symfony framework, you have to define the routing manually (excluding the basic routing created by the bundle generator).

Creating and deleting bundles in Symfony (Lesson 4)

So, after studying the materials 1, 2, 3, it's time to start developing your first Symfony application =). So, as you already know, everything in Symfony is a bundle. And, as you remember, the place for bundles is the src/ directory.

Sony Playstation 4

In Europe, the release of the Sony PlayStation 4 gaming console is planned for the end of 2013. Unlike similar devices from other manufacturers, this device is positioned specifically as a gaming console, not a multimedia center (like, for example, Microsoft Xbox One, Valve Steambox).

Installation and configuration of Apache / PHP / MySQL in Ubuntu

You have just installed the latest version of Ubuntu 13.04 and want to install additional software for learning web programming and running frameworks like Symfony 2, yii, zend, etc.? Then you've come to the right place. Let's go through 10 simple steps to achieve this. We will start with the installation of a web server and then move on to Symfony.

Xbox One

A new generation of gaming console Xbox One has been announced. The announcement was made on May 21, 2013. Since the release is planned for the end of 2013, it's time to start saving on food and saving money. It is also reported that a whopping 15 exclusive games will be released for the platform.